Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born on January 27, 1756 in Salzburg. Two trios in B flat Major, K.266 & K.172, are among his chamber music composed for a small ensemble.
The first trio consists of two movements -Adagio and Minuet- and the second one has a Minuet. Mozart lived a very short life. He died on 1791.
Franz Schubert was born on 1797. “Tear Drops” – one of his famous Liedes- & “German Dance” are presented in this album.
Francisco Tarrega was born in 1852. He was a virtuoso who found the modern method or doctrine for guitar. Tarrega died in 1909.
Motet as one of the forms of choral musical composition with sacred theme is known as monophony or polyphony forms. The term “Motet” has been used for naming this form since the 13th century. The Motet presented by SOL is performed by three violins and memorizes the sacred and oriental sense.
“Conductus” is a type of sacred but non-liturgical vocal composition on the basis of the old themes and melodies of 12th century. The word derives from conductor and the conductus was most likely carried by the priest from his own place in church. The composer of Conductus could make his own melodies or use other sources. A German theorist of medieval music describes the Conductus as below: “Presentation of the loveliest melody and performance of the second voice then after preferentially adding the third voice as long as it is not making it unpleasant.” SOL performed the conductus with three violins.
Magnus Perotin is a French composer born in 1160. He was a choirmaster and the composer of many religious and non-religious works. Perotin is an eminent representative of the Ancient Art. He had become famous as “Perotin the Great” because of polyphonic compositions. Perotin composed organum and developed the styles of three and four-part polyphony. Originally in Latin, Organum means organ therefore the polyphonic quality of Organum can be considered as an organic concept. Perotin passed away in 1240.
Jacob Obrecht was born in 1457/8 and died in 1505. After graduation from university he became a priest. Motet and Chanson are two samples of his numerous works where the medieval formalism and the wisdom of modern age are merged.
“Pictures of Childhood” by Aram Khachaturian, the great Armenian composer, is nostalgia of motherland and childhood. He was born in 1903 and died in 1978.
Johann Sebastian Bach is known as one of the founders of academic music. He was born in 1685 and died in 1750. Prelude and Fuga for violin trio is a sign of the genuine also different senses of his nature. His family dominated the artistic & academic society in Europe for two centuries.
Georg Philipp Telemann is one the leads of Hamburg doctrine in 18th century. He was born in 1681 and died in 1767. His music is an important link between traditional counterpoint and Italian opera.
Bahman Mehabadi