The Beyond
Motivated people grow fresh hope in our minds. People who do anything for progress without expectation. And in this way they prepare our mind for a better understanding for our civilization.
They know what they want and know what they need. Art is the most important asset and music sits right on top. Music is an abstract way of thinking. It has nothing to do with leisure time. Music will open a window which will go beyond time and will let us to breath fresh air, making our mind flourish, our life meaningful.
We have different interpretation of music. Some of those are not music at all. And comes from a very limited mind. not being familiar with pure musical thoughts, will take minds to a place so far from real music. New modern world and men need to seek and search. Despite all difficulties in recording this CD, we; Sol Ensemble tried to do our best to give out the present Album, recorded as a live performance.
Having a different view than others is not a sin, because, Bartok, Hindemith, Stevens, Bodon, Moritz and ? Have also viewed things differently and we here have mixed our thought with this. Live performance has its own difficulties and not free from mistakes. But this too has it’s own pleasure which we hereby would like to share with You, playing music is like living, trial and error. Those who believe in no mistakes, have either not tried themselves or are prophets! To play these pieces we have to travel a lot and had gathered many good experiences. And along ignored negative people. We do exist because we play.
We invite you to this glorious contemporary musical party. When mind becomes educated there will be no disappointment and it travels towards freedom. Free from all judgments, selfishness, prejudice and ignorance. Happiness as freedom will defeat ignorance and brings out the perfume of paradise flowers. Join us in this memorable trip and listen to our music.
We hold your hands and fly with your lovely smiles.
(Translated from Persian to English by Maryam Tajik)
Bahman Mehabadi
May 2010