Bloom of colors
The manifestation of autumn: It’s windy, leaves fall and the joy of sorrow appears.
You are going toward Montmartre; the tryst of all amorous painters as Monet, Renoir & Pissarro.
Suite L’Arlésienne; a piece by George Bizet is being played touching your soul. You feel it and its spiritual theme is filling your inner space.
Lili Boulanger sings the same quiet and Man forgets as easily.
Seine is amazing.
You; amazed, remembering River of Debussy in your memory and duality pushes you to be
different. Glitter of color and light on the face of waves as well as rises and falls by Debussy in River, makes some different images. Debussy’s harmonic vocabulary is large. Rhythms cannot be contained within bars.
You; in rapture and gazed, by passing this tryst will touch heaven.
Love perishes and it’s your destine.
Claire de Lune is the imagination of his untouchable dream and you; again, awake in depth of these waves.
There, all symbolists who turned the wheels of revolution movement; Mallarmé, Verlaine and
Rimbaud gathered.
Ravel, who develops another thought with Pavane in the tomb of death Princess, is also dancing in the tomb of Couperin, and Rigaudon is its symbol.
He is a master of coloring in the orchestra, Ravel. Sometimes; ambiguous as impressionists and sometimes; emotional as romantics.
And now, you are impatient!
The feeling of Louis Daquin in Coukoo is as strange sound in a common song.
Each note is embracing your soul and brings you the inner heal.
How did he think, Daquin? Such a courteous bird, he is expanding loving kindness habit by
spreading these fragrant words.
And farther, Florent Schmitt is composing the Evening. She is inspired by bloom of colors.
You see! You; amazed and un-answered, are walking through the history of decades.
You or anybody else, nobody knows what did happen or how!
Others are unable to understand the infatuation.
The whole history of art and science is making by sanctity of love, and Man is only watching from far away.
Your spiritual path is extended to its wide horizons.
Your steps lead you toward holy aspirations and you, lean to masters of music to fly.
May you be happy!
(Translated from Persian to English by Maryam Tajik)
Bahman Mehabadi
Spring 2013