Corelli (1653-1713) made known the new path to compose the sonata. In his collection that is notable especially for the period before classicism, by performing melodies he had the ability to manifest descriptive capability in playing violin.
Divertimento in D-major by Haydn (1732–1809) exemplified the ideal of the honesty and purity in his nature. In 1808, when a performance of “The Creation” was organized in his honor, he was brought into the hall to the sound of applause and was greeted by Beethoven, Salieri -who led the performance- and by other musicians and audience.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (1756-1791) is not only an influential composer of the Classical era but also the genius of the music world. Wagner says: “He sits on top because of his genuine.” Six pieces of string trio are performed by SOL in this album.
Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) was recognized as one of the great composers whose influence still stays. Handel, Leclaire and Bach were deeply influenced by his works. He devoted his life to train students, write numerous musical pieces and perform his oeuvres. Many of his compositions were written for the female music ensemble of the Ospedale della Pieta, a home for abandoned children where was changed to music center through his efforts. After his death, Vivaldi’s music slid into obscurity until the 20th century.
Henry Purcell (1659-1695) was born to a family of musicians. He composed his first works in the early age of eleven. The number of works, the originality and variety of his style are truly fascinating. He was among the modern intellectuals of his time and developed new principles for music analysis. After his death, classical music in England came to a stop and it took about two centuries to be revived. The piece presented by SOL in this album is written in 17th century and its original documents belong to British museum in London.
Bahman Mehabadi