From yesterday, the man tries to remove all walls between himself, freedom & wisdom in order to arrive to his originality. He always tried to militate against obsolescence & lag. He always tried to appreciate the thought & pull off against evil.
Based on this philosophy, he made innovation & despite of all proscriptions, he invited others. He putted love,
beauty & freedom in his works & without any suffer from earthy reverses he created such notes that shine like stars. But always cowards said: “He has nothing!”
Mozart back lashed earthy life & he opened some other doors to divine innovation.
Paganini made wonder all his contemporaneous with his genius and made himself immortal in music. He changed all earthy rules that seemed saint & made them infamous. Because we know that every where we find a real man, without any doubt there is a crucifix that climb its Joljota. It doesn?t mean an especial nation, because of course all good men who are inheritors the nature of God, are a unique nation & have a unique goal.
Said Rustamov never said a word but he shows us a grain that he seeded science before that even now is growing.
He moved his soul & lighted the flame of freedom in it. When we think we find that the meaning is the same; although sometimes the processes of growth aren?t equal but the view is one.
Morris Ravel, the master of orchestration & the best pianist in his time, was very patient & strike & he thought like Debussy but their ways were different.
Rigoudon & menuet from baroque age showed the preoccupation toward freedom & dance in the Couperin?s tomb but we, all know that this kind of preoccupation just goes to some who are mortified.
When man loves, there is no story. Tchaikovsky thought by this way, too. He always preferred the music & he presented such an eternal ballad that is not only national or international but also personal & passionate; full of movement & flexibility, just like a ballet. The sense of hunger, poverty, misery, non-stop going to infinity & searching the originality suffer the human being but there is a moral ego in this way, as well.
Johan Pachellbel in his heavenly song never presents something anymore. His works present purity & dignity.
Miniature is like a glory tableau of creature that has different kind of hot & cold colors. All who thinks about ascent has to climb from hillside to top. They have to let themselves such an exploration in their souls that leads them toward freedom. Canon, one of the Pachellbel?s works, owns this nature. The conflict to feel the freedom is interminable because all anti-hero are active! So, hero is alone with imagination that makes a prison for him. Real hero can dominate like Keroglu who sings the song of freedom. Leeches hold the wall airy imagination & enemy waits our downfall, but Keroglu has fought for freedom & Mendelssohn sings the song of spring; fine like the water in the river & adorable like the song of birds.
And Medhet Ahmadov showed his story of salvation by another way; those years of difficulties & that morning that sun rose.
And Tomas Albinoni composed three difficult movements in his symphony that is like a concerto, as well.
And the imaginary story of Lermontov in Masquerade that was the main motivation for Khachaturian to compose a glorious suite as a waltz is a clear image of the hero?s disturbance. It means, for such a soul who doesn?t suffer from a real love, isolation will be a mortal. The language of Prokofiev in his works in all great & modern repertories reduces the distance between music & human senses. He fights with hidden difficulties & earn enjoy of discovery. He promenades in his imagination & his thought as well as Qarayev.
Artist has a responsibility. He walks on a way that can attract the future. He goes because going, by self, means freedom, means serendipity.
And Nikos Kazantzakis whispers always in my ears: “Raise the sail, embrace your faith & go toward future.” And now I repeat it for you who are beside of me & my sentiments.
You & me, we are children of fire, we are children of thunder; we shine when we want, we boom when we want and in the school of Miniature we take our lovely favor to the wind of evening while the smell of flowers keep alive the motivation of life; just like fire in wind; wind of Tabriz!
Bahman Mehabadi
Spring 2004