SOL Ensemble's manifesto in commemoration of
Mozart 250th Anniversary
Pride is the strong feeling of genius and he never tends to ignore his pride although agony wrings his perception, genius, and existence.
Mozart is the best commiserator for the hearts in love; while the tricksters have been fabricating new schemes and the sycophants making new epithets in order to coat their lives’ futility in a new hue.
He looks at time passage worriedly and contemplates his lot in the test of history. Life not only shows him no mercy but also scowls at him. His vital veins end up in God and he imbibes from the skies and receives inspiration only from his God. Mozart is lonely and stands up alone against the world rife with ignorance. His free and empyrean soul like a dove strains in the predator’s claws in the maelstrom of ugly and indecent events. He experiences suffering in different forms and knows distraughtness which is the fear of the heart-rending ambiguities and anxieties of loneliness. From 250 years ago to the eternity he sings a ditty which is the firm music of life, eternity and hilarity.
Although numerous agonies make his life bitter his originality and infinite freedom of his soul never ever can make him hesitate creating and tolerating incongruities and anarchies. He has a mission and thinks like prophets. But those instructors who cannot understand music acknowledge his inherent values too late. Today we witness that Mozart, the creator of the most pulchritudinous ditties of the whole eras, is a genius whose introspective and never-retreating soul exudes music. Works which by his persistence in meditation and revelation turn into an incarnated unique content. His movement toward perfection leads him to the skies and Mozart continues going toward perfection even in his death.
His resplendent life star didn’t have much time to shine. 36 years was an intensive and short time bestowed by fate and he had to make the best of it. Therefore, he remains Mozart and in his creations while he addresses sophisticated and well-trained minds he never forgets ordinary people who have a little talent of cogitation. Today, we love Mozart because in his artistic hands music beats and in his sublime enlightenment of his art we find the lost parts of the humanity spiritualism and true personality and we take a new breath in his music rhythm as Rumi said:
“We are all Adam’s progenies
We learned in Eden all these ditties.”
We are infatuated by him because we find him more fascinating in any new listening because eternal blossoming is his empyrean gift. His perfect dexterity, his sagacious and innocent infatuation, his scintillating perfect music words and his divine genius perplex us and command respect and mark that Mozart is unique. His comet life invites us to perpetual bliss and felicity of music because he has sung his ditties from the divine spring of empyrean inspiration. We love Mozart because understanding him needs endeavor and the agony of seeking and we ascend beyond the firmament with him because his primordial ditties are the purest whispers of life.
When he shows love to nature: when he groans from Life’s agonies; when he sings of God; in concertos, in symphonies, in eternal requiem, in all musical inspirations he incarnates a visage of the salvaged. Man instantly loves meaning and salvation. Just once hearing his music assures befriending him for a life time. He remains our friend and through all the lamentable moments of life exhibits his loving visage through appealing tones.
We hear his mellifluous, childlike and heroic laughter and we are consternated that he endured penury exuberantly and this is the moment we feel embarrassed before this Prometheus and forget surrender. We envy his indomitable faith formidable, well? aware and void of any superstition and we find out that his life’s biggest joy is creation; therefore, he lives in order to ensue his favorite pleasing feelings beside his works. Thus, he remains victorious and says: “music is the mellifluous expression of life”.
He becomes irritable because of extreme sensitivity and he sings and again smiles and by his puissance of faith conquers the zeniths of his being. But on the sublime of spirituality while holding the eternal requiem is extinguished and embraces death like a beloved. Mozart lives death and with its beckoning flutters toward it. Because he knows he parts from the earthly suffering and becomes empyrean. His voice is rampant in the air surrounding us; in the inhales and exhales of music he has reached quiescence for 250 years and listens from the zenith of the sky to the infinite tones of his music. Let’s be baptized in his ocean of music.
(Translated from Persian to English by Maryam Tajik)
Bahman Mehabadi